Friday, March 5, 2010

Brenda is coming on the 19th!

This has been bumpy, to say the least, but Brenda will be here again in two weeks.  She will stay a month again.  We are very excited. 

She'll be traveling here with a family who is bringing their adopted child home.  As of now, Don will be flying back with her when she returns. 

Please pray for safe travels and that her time here will help her solidly make up her mind about being adopted.  Thank you so much!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Late last night, we got an email from our adoption coordinator.  It said that someone who needs to be involved in Brenda coming here next month is not willing to do so at this time.  They say they don't have the time or man power right now.  This goes in direct opposition to what they do.  So we are waiting to see what happens next.  The adoption agency is looking into if they can take over what the other needs to do, Don has asked them to reconsider, and we are just in prayer for God to show us his will.  It is hard to know if this is part of the spiritual battle for her life and soul or if this is God trying to close the door.  So we continue to pray for his guidance and wisdom and wait.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday... Day 1 of a new week....

First of all... Michelle, my music is "Hillsong"... they totally are wonderful. And I get a lot of my header pictures from etsy!

As for Latvia news... now we are back to plan A, Brenda will come over with another family who is returning from Latvia and it will either be March 12th or 19th. She should be here for a month. We'll see what this week brings.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


We heard back from the lawyer in Latvia today that Don can go and get Brenda and escort her back here for a month! She wanted to know what dates we wanted and we said, "When can we come?" So now we are waiting to hear back again. Prayers are so appreciated... I know you are praying... thank you!


Sunday, February 14, 2010


This was taken by a friend of ours in the airport the day Brenda left! She was hovering with her camera and we were all fighting back tears and so we made this silly face and she got it! I love it now.
Don and I have been talking a lot about this whole process with Brenda. It so saddens us that she is having a hard time with making the decision to leave Latvia. We found out from the chaperone who visited with us while they all were here that Brenda is in touch with some step brothers as well. We knew she had a half sister she sees but didn't know about brothers too.
Even though we want her to come and be with our family so badly... we have a great peace that if she choses not to come... that she will be ok and that God is in control and God can take care of her. She was in the presence of His love... that may be all it was about and that may stay with her forever.
We have offered for Don to fly over and chaperone her back and forth so we don't have to match up with another families time line. So we'll see what they say about that. Our desire is for her to be here much sooner than a month from now so we/she can get things figured out.
Prayer for her heart and her peace are still so much wanted. We are ok. We know that there are millions of children out there who need parents. We will continue to host and pray that God will bring these children parents regardless of what happens here. We can only do what He guides us to do (one child at a time) and are so very very thankful for his presence and peace!
Love to you all... Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 12, 2010


It seems Brenda will come in March (around the 20th) and stay for another month. The orphan court is waiting to hear from her school and that will be next week. So that is good news! Thank you for your prayers and love... stay tuned!

Thursday, February 11, 2010
